An Automatic machine works by itself without mortal intervention

Adding fashionability of Computer has proved that it's a veritably important and useful tool. The power and utility of thistool are substantially due to its ensuing characteristics 1. Automatic An Automatic machine works by itself without mortal intervention. Computers are automatic machines because formerlystarted on a job, they carry out the job ( typically without any mortal backing) until it's finished. Still, computers beingmachines can not start themselves and can't go out and find out their own problems and results. Wee need to instruct acomputer using enciphered instructions that specify exactly how it'll so a particular job. Some of the othercharacteristics of computer ( similar as speed and delicacy) are because they're automatic and work on a problemwithout any mortal intervention. 2. Speed A Computer is a veritably fast device. It can perform in a many seconds, the quantum of work that a mortal being cando in an entire time-if he/ she worked day and night and did nothing differently. In other words, a computer can do in amany twinkles what would take a man his entire continuance. While talking about the speed of a computer we don't talk in terms of seconds or indeed milliseconds (10-3) but in termsof forevers (10-6), jiffs (10-9), and indeed picoseconds (10-12). A important computer is able of performing severalbillion (109) simple computation operations per seconds. 3. Delicacy In addition to being veritably presto, computers are veritably accurate. Delicacy of computer is constantly high anddegree of its delicacy depends upon its design. A computer performs every computation with the same delicacy. Still, crimes in a computer. These crimes are substantially due to mortal rather than technological weakness. Forillustration, crimes may do due to squishy thinking by a programmer (a person who write instructions for a computer tobreak a particular problem) on incorrect input data. We frequently relate to crimes caused due to incorrect input data orunreliable programs as scrap-in- scrap- eschewal (GIGO). 4. Industriousness Unlike mortal beings, a computer is free from humdrum, frazzle, and lack of attention. It can continuously work for hourswithout creating any error and without growling. Hence, computers score over mortal beings in doing routine type ofjobs that bear greataccuracy.However, a computer will perform the last bone with exactly the same delicacy and speedas the first one, If ten million computations have to be performed. 5. Versatility Versatility is the one of the most awful thing about a computer. One moment it's preparing results of an examination,coming moment it's busy preparing electricity bills, and in between, it may be helping an office clerk to trace animportant letter in seconds. All that's needed to change its gift is to slip in a new program (a sequence of instruction forthe computer) into it. In Detail, a computer is able of performing of any task, if the task, if the task can be reduced to afinite series of logical way. 6. Power of Remembering As a mortal being acquires new knowledge, his/ her brain subconsciously selects what it feels to be important andworth retaining in memory. The brain relegates insignificant details to back of mind or just forgets them. This isn't thecase with computers. A computer can store and recall any quantum of information because of its secondary storehouse(a type of divisible memory) capability. It can retain a piece of information as long a stoner solicitations and the stoner

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